Friday, June 12, 2009

My Girls

I spent about half an hour last night talking with the girls about Up. They talked far too quick and excitedly for me to write even half of it down, but it was fun to listen. Mostly, they took turns talking about their favorite parts while the others shouted, "I love that part, too!"

Mildred summarized Up as "an adventure where a little boy gets mixed up in adventure in which they go to Paradise Falls with balloons tied to an old man's house and with the old man."

Annika shared that Up is "a house that a little boy was in with an old man and the boy was out on the porch and said, "can I come in?" and the old man said, "no," and the boy asked again and the old man said "yes.""

Susannah hung around and parroted things that her sisters were saying.

Piper slept through the movie and offered no opinion.

As far as favorite parts, I'd have to recount most of the movie here if I listed them all, but they agreed that the climactic battle in the skies was the absolute best part. They all giggle every time they talk about the boy trying to earn his merit badge in the beginning. Can I help you cross the road? Can I help you cross your yard? Susannah loved the dogs talking funny. And they all loved the beginning when the girl lets the boy into her club and shows her adventure book to him.

Finally, Mildred shouted, "I liked all of it!"

I ended our conversation by asking,

Is Up better than Wall-E?
Mildred - No way!
Annika - Yes!

Is Up better than Ratatouille?
Mildred - No way!
Annika - Yes!

Is Up better than Nausicaa?
Annika - Yes, Yes, Yes.

[historical note - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is Mildred's favorite movie of all time. Labyrinth is Annika's favorite movie. The two often have wars in which they ask their mother to sing either the theme from Nausicaa or "dance baby dance" from Labyrinth, resulting in some often funny mash-ups of the two. Mildred is offended that anyone could think that any movie could possibly be better than Nausicaa.]

Mildred than relented and gave Up quite the compliment.

"I do like it. It is only one level below Nausicaa."

1 comment:

brando said...

for all of our efforts, as admirable and heartfelt as they may be, your girls write a far more compelling review that we could ever hope to accomplish.

ps. I'm psyched that we have been sharing enthusiasm for two of the three films we have both seen in theaters. It would be cool if Raimi wrote a Pixar movie.