Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chews her food nice.

Watching films on DVD on a small TV monitor is always less of an experience than watching projected film. I don't think about it too often, but, tonight, rewatching Appaloosa for the first time on DVD, I was struck by how small it all seemed. I might have been a bit disappointed with the movie, too, if this was the first and probably only way I encountered it. Oh well. I still think it's quite good and a lot of fun.

I like Helen Geib's brief review:

The new issue of Film Comment has a neat short piece on Westerns, "the eternally returning genre." Unfortunately, that particular essay is not available online.

*Unrelated, I got an email back from Mickey Dobbin, who programs the Harpur series. He wrote that the schedule should be ready and posted by the end of this week.

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