Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vessels of Wrath Fitted For Destruction

What I've Been Watching Lately


I've been surprised to discover how much I really enjoy Dexter. It's no Breaking Bad, but it is really compelling pulpy television.

I've watched the first ten episodes (of twelve) of the first season. I'm not feeling up to going through every episode individually, but I'll state bluntly that I'm generally very pleased with what I've seen so far. Dexter (the character) is an unusually rich instrument of vengeance against evildoers. His peculiar struggles make for an engaging spin on the police procedural.


Lake of Fire is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. While the documentary gives a fair hearing to the pro-choice crowd and shows quite a few kooks on the pro-life side, I can't imagine how anyone, after seeing this film, could continue to maintain that abortion is not the willful taking of human life. The graphic footage of an abortion doctor sifting through newly destroyed baby parts had me shaking in my seat.


The Parking Lot Movie was enjoyable, but pretty one-note. Working at the parking lot is great. Blah Blah Blah. Great. Blah. Parking. Blah. Blah. Lot.


I've already mentioned Mexican Hayride a couple of times. It's really only a so-so comedy with a few decent moments up until the comedy gets ratcheted up a few notches in the absolutely hilarious final bullfight. Really, really great. Brandon is totally right about Abbott being the best straight man ever, but I was on a high of complete dumbstruck awe toward Costello after watching that bullfight.


I watched half of I'm Still Here and hated it, though it did look like a lot of fun for Affleck and Pheonix. I probably won't finish watching it.

I also watched the first 20 minutes of Innerspace after reading Jason's post, but fell asleep because it was late at night. The next day? Netflix had taken the movie down so I couldn't finish watching it. Dang.

I watched the first 5 minutes of the first film Marlon Brandon ever appeared in, The Men. I wasn't even going to mention it, but I thought it would be funny if Abby ever wrote something about her experience watching movies at night after I've fallen asleep a few minutes in and am snoring loudly and stealing blankets from her.


I still haven't finished Woman in the Moon.


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