Thursday, June 2, 2011

1930s - I'm in.

So, I just created a new simple site.

Top Ten Lists 1930-1939

I've added the pathetic 12 features that I've seen from '30-'39 since I've started blogging here. Why have I been ignoring the '30s? While reviewing my blog (which took way too long), I also came across a few pics from the '40s-'50s that I missed adding to that site, so that has been updated appropriately.

I'm just waiting for you guys to add '30s content and I'll keep the site updated. Maybe Ben, Lisa, and Jason will join in?

I've only seen 22 of the 100 that you've listed.

1930s talk excites me. 2011 sucks (I always think this about any given current year around about mid-Summer).

How do you feel about this?

At a certain time (say Saturday or Sunday), you pick a film from the 30s that you want to watch the following week that is available via NWI and post the name of the film to your blog. Some time that week, you watch that film. That film is also an assignment for the rest of us to watch. Some time that week, we will all try to watch that film. This way, we'll all be watching films at relatively the same time and we can actually discuss the movies that you're watching from the 1930s instead of the usual free-for-all here.

Get serious!


(I think that Brandon is currently living without NWI, but this is a minor problem since he's seen the majority of these films anyhow. Also, if we make him jealous enough, he'll cave and sign back up for NWI.)

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